Hey Kid,
Oh you goof!.. you swear you are a comedian! haha I wish I could go back to you so drama free and clueless. Your biggest worries were food, acing waec and getting into uni... any uni really, You just wanted to make papa proud of you. I wish I could tell you to stop stressing so damn much. That everything would work itself out. You worry so much mama.
At 18, you would date your best friend at the time. You guys would fall out so quick and you won't care about it because so busing worrying about not getting kicked out of Engineering.You didn't care about the relationship .. U just wanted ur friend back and.. Unfortunately, that ship had sailed.
You are so funny.. So witty and smart .. Where did all that go? lol
I wish you weren't so embarrassed by your first name and would rather answer to ur 2nd least favorite name. You would learn to love this name you dislike so much and that's all u'd want to be called.
I wish you weren't so embarrassed by your first name and would rather answer to ur 2nd least favorite name. You would learn to love this name you dislike so much and that's all u'd want to be called.
Who knew you would become this person w absolute no care in the world how ppl felt about u?.. Oh u are so tactful right now... So scared to hurt other peoples feelings.LMAO, you will quickly learn that its a cold world and you really can't expect nothing from anybody.When you don't expect shit, dont get disappointed. You would become that person that ignored people's messages and even let them know you are ignoring them. damn B!
Your plan is to be more prayerful and closer to ur deen.. You started out so well.. Finished the Quran .. Started learning the meanings.. And then u lost ur way somehow.. I remember you couldn't sleep if you hadn't completed your salat for the day but now.. You sleep like a baby even when u are very aware that u didn't pray. Even worse mama, who knew that one day you would question God's existence? Astagfurrlah
You will go through a major hiccup in life, that will stress you out so much. Because, that's what you do, stress. You'd become a size 6 in ur early twenties.. That's like half the size u are right now, Miss size 12. hahahah
Who knew you'd grow to love this bum u are so conscious about right now? You sag ur backpack on purpose just to hide this annoying big bum. oh since we are talking about insecurities, ur legs will never become smaller, so I would start embracing them now darling.
Who knew you'd grow to love this bum u are so conscious about right now? You sag ur backpack on purpose just to hide this annoying big bum. oh since we are talking about insecurities, ur legs will never become smaller, so I would start embracing them now darling.
You will fall in love in ur early twenties. Like literally fall... Coz you won't plan or see it coming... Oh you think you are careful with these matters of the heart, emotions, boys all that "stupid" stuff. In fact you'd swear it will never happen w this person.. But alas, You will just wake up one day and you are like... dang I love this nigga.. Lmao.
Brings me to this.. Stop feeling like you can control the outcome of things .. Because for the most part.. there are somethings u have no control on whatsoever.. You will be unemployed for almost two years and by unemployed I mean, u won't land the Job u think u deserve ... you know, the one you went to school for. And if you had known this.. I'd say don't let it take away from ur happiness .. More like don't let it be the centre of your happiness .. Depression and unhappiness is a choice mama... And I wish you did not choose it at some point in your life.
Brings me to this.. Stop feeling like you can control the outcome of things .. Because for the most part.. there are somethings u have no control on whatsoever.. You will be unemployed for almost two years and by unemployed I mean, u won't land the Job u think u deserve ... you know, the one you went to school for. And if you had known this.. I'd say don't let it take away from ur happiness .. More like don't let it be the centre of your happiness .. Depression and unhappiness is a choice mama... And I wish you did not choose it at some point in your life.
Now you know better. You know better than to settle especially when it comes to men. You keep a small circle because that's what u can control. I'm proud of the woman you are becoming I just wish you would stop doubting yourself ever so often and just do it.
I like how you've realized that failing is inevitable and it's just how u handle it that matters. Happiness is a choice and please choose happiness over anything always!
All day every day.. Your happiness should never be compromised. Aka if something is making u feel even slightly unhappy.. Check it.. Toss it.. Remove it.. Do whatever you need to. There is no price on genuine happiness. You are bae abeg!
I like how you've realized that failing is inevitable and it's just how u handle it that matters. Happiness is a choice and please choose happiness over anything always!
All day every day.. Your happiness should never be compromised. Aka if something is making u feel even slightly unhappy.. Check it.. Toss it.. Remove it.. Do whatever you need to. There is no price on genuine happiness. You are bae abeg!
Love always,
Older & Much Wiser S