Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Little Things....

So I saw this random tumblr link when I was reading one of my favorite blogs...  On that tumblr page,  people just put up the little random things that make them go awww, or smile... pretty much random things that make you  HAPPY...
Here are some of those things that relate to me:

  • Re-reading Conversations.... (I always do that!!!)
  • Logging onto FaceBook on your birthday.. :D
  • Free stuff!!!!.... (This goes without saying )
  • Peeling dried off glue!!!.. (Thought I'd have outgrown this habit)
  • Having deep conversations w people
  • When someone tells you that you smell nice
  • When  the deadline of  project is extended!!!!....... (Have you met "Ms P"?... yh, that would be me!!!)
  • When that your very random wish becomes reality
  • Looking at old year books and photographs
  • Seedless grapes.. (so random but it's so much less stressful)
  • Drinking cold water when you're really thirsty.. (it tastes so good then)
  • Turning on the TV just in time for your favorite show ^_^
    • Dresses with pockets
    • Taking your bra off at the end of the day
    • Waking up and realizing you have more time to sleep *whoop*
    • Getting new school supplies!!.. hahaha (Need I remind you of my Nerdy status?)
    • Having breakfast for dinner.. (I'm not a morning person so I always enjoy my cereal at night)
    • The cold side of a pillow!
    • The smell after it rains... (there is something serene about it)
    • Looking through your school work from when you were young
    • Fresh baked bread... #yum
    • Cute sneezes
    • Someone telling just you a secret
    • Changing into sweatpants/ pjs at the end of the day.... (Jeans are so uncomfortable... uggghh
    • Discovering a song and instantly loving it
    • Being Able to Fall asleep right away
    • Feeling confident when turning an exam
    • Finally remembering the word you had on the tip of your tongue
    • The feeling of relief after finding something you thought you lost 
    • Rapping an entire part of a song perfectly ... (SMH Vanity!!!)
    • Seeing bus drivers wave to each other! .. (I thought this was just me.. lol)
    • Feeling accomplished at the end of the day
    • Finding out someone likes you( well someone I like back or could possibly like back :/ )
    • The first bite of food when you're really hungry!.. (That's when it's the sweetest)
    • Waking up and realizing your bad dream wasn't real... *whew*
    • The fresh feeling after brushing your teeth
    • When your favorite favorite part of a song comes up